comment icon 94 more comments Okay, first things first. Miso + crunchy peanut butter + chili spiced chicken + grapes. It doesn’t even make sense, you say. Oh, but friend, it most definitely DOES. It’s a classic chicken salad meets an Asian chicken salad meets a lettuce wrap – all those flavors and textures together? just… 👌. It’s been way too long since I made a meal that’s as lunchable as this one. I mean, I definitely have a deep, longtime love of warm lunches – a creamy soup and a melty-cheese panini combo is basically everything my life is meant to be and more. Minnesota fall, winter, and spring just requires this of us. But there is something to be said for that quick chicken-salad style lunch that is addictingly delicious eaten straight outta the fridge, and in this case, wrapped in light and delicate butter lettuce leaves. Or if you’re being extra self-generous, scooped up with crackers or chips. It’s ready to be an amazing lunch for you at barely a moment’s notice. Grab and devour. I guess the same is true for dinner, because you know those nights when you finally finish work and start thinking about dinner – and suddenly realize that you still have 800 things to do (read: 800 episodes to watch on Netflix) before you go to bed? The struggle is just so very real. Here’s the trick, though: in those moments, all is right in the world when you remember that you have leftover Creamy Miso Peanut Chicken Lettuce Wraps – or your own variation of that – waiting for you in the fridge. Making this on the weekends to give yourself a safety net for meals throughout the week? HIGHLY RECOMMEND. 👊 I hereby give this recipe meal lifesaver status. So… let me read your mind. GRAPES?! Grapes. I don’t know where grapes have been all my Asian-flavor-inspired lettuce wrap life, but they are never leaving now that this amazing combo has made its way into my mouth. If I can go there, it’s kind of like having those sweet bites of little canned mandarin oranges in your Asian salads, but better because, well, they’re not mandarin oranges from a can – they’re the sweetest, most bursty little red grapes that have been lovingly grown in sunny California, and bonus! you probably already have them in your fridge, right? Grapes for lyfe. We’re approaching the fall time, and you might be starting to feel a little nervy because aren’t grapes going out of season soon? Good news, yo. Grapes from California (which are considered our local grape here in the United States since 99% of U.S.-grown grapes are, in fact, grown in California!) are actually available from May through January. Hello I just said JANUARY. Winter time! California grapes will still be around, ripe and juicy and ready to eat. 👅 Celebrate the good times! Okay, to review this Miso Peanut Chicken Lettuce Wrap situation. These are:

ideal for straight-from-the-fridge lunchesalso ideal for ready-made dinnersadaptable to lettuce or crackers or chips or bread or anything, reallyloaded with flavor and texture – think silky smooth sauce, chili spiced chicken, happy grapes, crunchy nuts, herbs and other yums…favoritethingeverYESPLEASE

And you’re off! With yummy lettuce wraps in your sights. This post is sponsored by Grapes from California! Yummmmm. 4.6 from 15 reviews Miso can be found in the refrigerated section of many grocery stores. The stuff I buy just comes in a little container similar to sour cream or yogurt. Ask your grocer! Miso paste is thick and very salty. In this recipe it adds flavor and weight to the sauce. If you can’t find miso, you will need to compensate for the sauce thickness AND for the saltiness. For example, use more peanut butter to thicken, but also add a little more soy sauce for saltiness.

Creamy Miso Peanut Chicken Lettuce Wraps Recipe - 21Creamy Miso Peanut Chicken Lettuce Wraps Recipe - 58Creamy Miso Peanut Chicken Lettuce Wraps Recipe - 84Creamy Miso Peanut Chicken Lettuce Wraps Recipe - 19Creamy Miso Peanut Chicken Lettuce Wraps Recipe - 12Creamy Miso Peanut Chicken Lettuce Wraps Recipe - 75