I know – technically, this probably would have been a better fit for Meatless Monday. It’s a nice way to change up spaghetti and make it something a little more veg-friendly and, um, what’s the word? GAHHHHH? comment icon 323 more comments But when we’re talking about butter and garlic soaked mushrooms tossed with fresh herbs and coated in a creamy sauce all served up on steaming hot pasta – ♡♡♡ – let’s get real. That, my friends, does not need a Meatless Monday. In my world, that can happen any day of the week. This is not a new conversation around here, but I always feel the need to let you guys know: I haven’t always been a mushroom lover. Something happened to me a year or two into the food blogging game that made me go from a mushroom h8er 4 lyfe to a Professional Mushroom Eater. I’m, like, 900% sure that that something involved butter and garlic and white wine in a sizzling hot pan that also HAPPENED to contain a few mushrooms? But whatevs. All that matters is that now I’m on the other side of the fence. I identify with the people of the world who put mushrooms in everything, from enchiladas to sandwiches to date night pasta with goat cheese –> come to think of it, that recipe looks suspiciously similar to this. MOVING ON THO. Remember when I used bacon fat instead of butter for the sizzling pan of garlic and mushrooms? And then took an ultra close up picture of it for dramatic effect? Right. That happened. You guys. I’m going to derail the conversation for a minute because SAGE. I need to talk to you about Sage. She’s doing so well! So, so well. It’s been just about a month (or more? sometimes it feels like we’ve had her forever) and every day we get to see a little more of her personality, which is, in two words, ULTIMATE NAPPER. Her favorite activities, depending on the hour, are laying on the deck in the sun, laying on the deck in the shade, or laying on the deck in the half-sun-half-shade. Poor baby doesn’t know that we live in Minnesota, land of the 6 months of miserable winters during which time you absolutely cannot lay on the deck, much less stick one pinky toe into the world outside that patio door. But we’ll cross that bridge when we get there. Okay, but as much as we love her, sometimes we just want the girl to play a little bit. We put the peanut butter-filled Kong in front of her and she licks it half-heartedly for three seconds before just rolling over to get her belly rubbed. We get her riled up and running around on the furniture (omg please just ignore me) and she’ll run back and forth, like, two times before settling in – head on pillow, obviously – for her next nap. I throw her balls to fetch in the yard and she doesn’t have one tiny ounce of an idea about what to do with them. I honestly think she doesn’t know how to play. But then, this –> Last night, we took her to the dog park (the one with the MUD PIT – and yes, you should be silently judging us right now) and she went straight up Wild Girl on us. WILD. GIRL. One whole hour of Wild Girlness. Just look at that Wild Girl. We’re ridiculously proud. I know this Sage essay – five paragraphs makes an essay, right? – has hardly anything to do with Creamy Garlic Herb Mushroom Spaghetti. I know, and yet. What else would you really want to do after an hour with Wild Girl at the dog park than to: I know it. My thoughts exactly. — (Seriously, though, this spaghetti. Go get it, garlic herb mushroomers!)
Check Out Our Video For How To Make Creamy Garlic Herb Mushroom Spaghetti:
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