Is it even a secret that this old recipe for Creamy Cauliflower Sauce is one of my favorite recipes of all blogging time? And I think it’s safe to say it’s a reader favorite as well. Right now that little old post has something like 700 comments, and 150 4- or 5-star recipe reviews, and it closing in on one million repins on Pinterest. WHAT. We all love creamy cauliflower sauce together and want to have it on everything all day every day forever and ever? Win! Today I wanted to share with you the VIDEO that we made recently to bring a little new life to the Creamy Cauliflower Sauce recipe! It’s super fun! annnnd it’s me talking and making my own recipe, so maybe it’s weird for me to say it’s fun. It might be fun? Depends on if you’re the sort of person who thinks making a healthier version of Alfredo out of cauliflower can be categorized as FUN. If you are that kind of person, we belong together.
How To Make Our Creamy Cauliflower Sauce (8 MINS):
Noteworthy: if and when you get to the end of the video, you will have the distinct pleasure of discovering Bjork’s Bonus Tip. He recorded that with our video guy after I had left the house so I had no idea what they were up to, and when I saw it for the first time, I was ROFL. 😳 I have never used that abbreviation before this very moment and I’m choosing not to edit myself. The bonus tip this time is so perfectly Bjork. I will leave you today with a few pictures from the Creamy Cauliflower Sauce recipe post of three years ago, and let’s find a way to work this good stuff into the weekend, shall we? ♡ Creamy Cauliflower Sauce itself! Followed by Healthy Fettuccine Alfredo… Followed by Creamy Cauliflower Garlic Rice. Love love love.
For The Original Creamy Cauliflower Sauce Recipe, Click Here!
Have a great weekend, frensss!