But I didn’t want to call it a smoothie because that implies lots of fruit and nutritional benefits, of which this malt has neither. And I couldn’t call it a shake. Coconut Caramel Shake sounds tacky. Or awkward. Speaking of awkward, how would it make you feel to drink a Coconut Caramel Malt out of this? Makes you kind of want to be a teacher, doesn’t it? And if that isn’t the sweetest, most thoughtful gift you’ve ever seen from a fourth grader, well, then you must know some pretty darn sweet and thoughtful fourth graders! I must have been laying it on pretty thick with the pug thing, because I also got a card (from a different student) saying: “I hope you have a great summer, and I hope you get a pug.” And come to think of it, what ever happened to that pug bobblehead figurine? There are some serious perks to being a 4th grade teacher. And I’m not talking about the summer break that starts today. I know you wish you had a pug bobblehead figurine. These recipes have been so complex this week – I hope you can manage to keep up with me! 5 from 1 review That was a joke. Summer starts… now!

Coconut Caramel Malt Recipe - 89Coconut Caramel Malt Recipe - 63Coconut Caramel Malt Recipe - 26