But these Cinnamon Apple Carrot Pancakes are my attempt at temporary distraction from the cold snowy tundra outside. Who knew carrots, apples, and raisins could make such a delicious breakfast? Wait!  Before you run away for fear of the raisins, you should know that I don’t even like raisins.  I even considered digging through the Raisin Bran and taking out the raisins before adding the cereal, but laziness got the best of me and I left them in.  And guess what – they were good!  They are cooked with so much sweet delicious stuff that you can hardly notice them.  Ok? I actually set out to make some apple carrot muffins, but as is often the case, I bailed on the muffins about half way through the recipe and decided to make pancakes.  I think it was mostly because I was looking for a good excuse to use my Panini Press. (What?  Yes, the Panini Press is technically called a Griddler, which means that I can flip over the panini plates to a griddle.  This allows me to quadruple my pancake-making power by frying up 4 at a time! I love that thing.) One of the things that I love about pancakes these is that they taste good plain.  And by plain, I mean slathered with butter. That being said, you also have the option of drowning them in syrup. Or if you’re indecisive, have both!  Just make sure you have your sweatpants handy. Just think of how good it will feel to have eaten carrots for breakfast! It will feel so good, in fact, that you can probably forget about the butter and syrup part. Vegetables cancel that out, right? 5 from 1 review

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