Like, since high school. Like, since Bjork (my highschoolboyfriendnowhusband) casually mentioned this super good chocolate spread that he put on toast, and what, I hadn’t heard of it? And then one fateful day I went to his house and watched him spread that creamy chocolate love on toasted bread. Can you say love at first sight? He held the keys to my heart right then and there. In more recent memory…Nutella has entered my life in other ways. For example, by the heaping spoonful. In my oatmeal. With fruit. On pancakes. And as of last week, in my all-time favorite dessert bars: scotcheroos. So what was once a golden-peanut-butter-butterscotchy delicacy is now also… super-chocolatey. And hazelnutty. But really, does anyone taste the hazelnuts in there? I can’t distinguish tastes like that when I’m in chocolate euphoria. PS. Is it New-tella or Nuh-tella? 4.5 from 2 reviews Pass me a spoon so I can eat some while you think about it.

Chocolate Scotcheroos Recipe - 98Chocolate Scotcheroos Recipe - 88Chocolate Scotcheroos Recipe - 77Chocolate Scotcheroos Recipe - 65