I’m so happy to see how many of you loved my tips for making the EASIEST Pumpkin roll. I’ve loved all of the photos you’ve shared of your roll and the nice comments you’ve left on Pinterest. So for all of you cake roll fans, here is another holiday favorite you can enjoy this Christmas: Chocolate Peppermint Cake Roll. A delicious chocolate sheet cake, rolled up with peppermint cream cheese frosting in the center, and covered in chocolate ganache. This cake roll is heavenly! It’s perfect for wow-ing guests and beautiful for celebrating this special time of year.
Lots of people avoid making cake rolls because so many recipes have you invert the baked cake onto a large towel dusted with powdered sugar. The whole process seems messy and tricky. Fear not! This method is the easiest, fuss-free way to do it! First, grease a 15 x 10-inch jelly-roll pan; line with parchment paper. Grease and flour paper. Make the chocolate cake batter and pour it into the prepared pan.
Bake, allow it to cool for 1 minute in the pan, and then lift the parchment paper and cake onto your counter to quickly roll the hot cake up inside the parchment paper. Let it cool on top of a wire cooling rack, and then in the fridge. Unroll the cooled cake and spread the peppermint cream cheese frosting gently over it. Roll it back up, this time without the parchment paper. Don’t worry if it’s not pretty to look at yet. The chocolate ganache will cover up any imperfections!
Refrigerate it again for an hour. Pour chocolate ganache over the top. ENJOY!
Make sure the cake is well cooked, before rolling it up. If it’s undercooked at all, it will be too sticky to release from the parchment paper. When removing it from the oven, allow it to cool for just 60-90 seconds in the pan. Then remove it to the counter and roll it up immediately. I like to give the top of the cake a minute to rest before rolling it up, but you do need to roll it up while the cake is hot from the oven, to prevent cracking. Allow the rolled up cake to cool completely, on top of a wire cooling rack so that it can cool underneath the roll, to keep it from sweating. You really can NOT cut corners on allowing this cake time in the fridge (both after the initial rolling, after it’s filled with frosting, and after adding the ganache). If you try and unroll-it too soon, frost it too soon, or serve it too soon, it may be messy. There are several ways to make this cake ahead! See my notes at the bottom of the recipe.
Homemade Caramels Caramel Chocolate Dipped Pretzel Rods Peppermint Candy Cane Brownies Turtle Thumbprint Cookies Chocolate Peppermint Bundt Cake Caramel Hot Chocolate
You can also FOLLOW ME on FACEBOOK, TWITTER, INSTAGRAM and PINTEREST for more great recipes! Nutrition FactsChocolate Peppermint Cake RollAmount per ServingCalories571% Daily ValueFat 32g49%Saturated Fat 18g90%Cholesterol 150mg50%Sodium 258mg11%Potassium 302mg9%Carbohydrates 64g21%Fiber 3g12%Sugar 48g53%Protein 7g14%Vitamin A 905IU18%Calcium 84mg8%Iron 2.8mg16% Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. Have you tried this recipe?! RATE and COMMENT below! I would love to hear your experience. This post contains affiliate links.