But it was a lost cause and I hereby surrender myself to the butter, vanilla, and brown sugar sauce. And as I’m typing this I’m seeing an ad on my sidebar showing an Under Armour girl doing a yoga and a head stand. I’m sorry for false advertising. I am not doing yoga and headstands today. I am eating this sauce. This upside down cake is so good. I wish I had better words for it but my brain comatose with chocolate. If I were to sum up what I learned today, it’s that gooey chocolate cake should always be topped with caramelized bananas and melted peanut butter and that it should be eaten for breakfast. But what I really learned is that Alex and Sonja (from A Couple Cooks) are on to something here. They pretend to be doing this good-hearted work that’s helping people in Cambodia, but come ON. They’re just in it for the yummy food like this cake. (I’m totally kidding.) Alex and Sonja recently went to Cambodia, and if you haven’t already looked at their gorgeous photos, please stop reading. Go check them out. But besides taking gorgeous photos of this beautiful country, they are working on a unique cookbook featuring recipes from the Green Mango Cafe, which is a vocational program for at-risk women and girls. The cookbook will be a fundraising effort to help support the Center for Global Impact, which is the organization that helps the Green Mango cafe to be thriving place for Cambodian women and girls to learn and work. I am honored that they would trust me with such a deep, dark, chocolatey, buttery, sugary task such as making and photographing this cake. Rest assured, I take my job as dessert eater veryveryvery seriously. The Green Mango Cafe: Cooking for a Better Tomorrow will be available for you to buy in just a few short months, complete with gooey chocolate cake recipe. Follow our fearless leaders, Alex and Sonja. They will keep you informed on the cookbook and besides, they’re just plain awesome. Did I mention healthy? Yeah, they’re healthy, too. And local. I mean, they buy local produce. Awesome, healthy, and local. Meanwhile, I’ll be eating this chocola…. Say it with me now: I love cake. I love cake. I love cake. 4.4 from 5 reviews For an extra gooey addition: mix 4 tablespoons of butter with 1/3 cup brown sugar and 1/2 teaspoon vanilla, then melt it in the microwave for 20 seconds at a time, stirring after each interval, for a total of 1 minute. Pour the warm sauce over the cake.

Chocolate PB Banana Upside Down Cake Recipe - 77Chocolate PB Banana Upside Down Cake Recipe - 52Chocolate PB Banana Upside Down Cake Recipe - 49Chocolate PB Banana Upside Down Cake Recipe - 37