comment icon 63 more comments Breathe. And eat baked mini donuts. Breathe mini donuts? Yes. That’s what the voice inside my head is saying these days. That was when there were still mini donuts left. That was like a year ago. It was fun while it lasted. Dessert has always been high on my list of loves, and dessert for breakfast is even higher (see also: these cinnamon sugar donut holes). So this weekend, when I heard a girl in the restaurant bathroom tell her friends that she hadn’t had dessert in forever, and then went on to specify that actually she hadn’t had dessert in two years, TWO YEARS, I vomited a little bit in my mouth. Then I punched her in the face. Air-punched her. From the stall where she couldn’t see me. Girl, don’t lie. You probably ate 87 of these for breakfast and that’s why I don’t have any left. Dessert, breakfast. Breakfast, dessert. Mini Donut. Get. One. Now. If you are the girl from the restaurant… 4.6 from 5 reviews I’d like to extend a peace offering in the form of a cakey pillow of chocolate-frosted sprinklings.