This version is a play on salty and sweet, with full-on chocolate flavor and the coconut oil helps everything stick to the kernels.
[print_this] Chocolate Coconut Oil Protein Popcorn 2 Tbsp Popcorn Kernels 1 Brown Paper Bag 1 to 2 tablespoons coconut oil (or coconut oil cooking spray, or butter, margarine) 1 to 2 tablespoons chocolate protein powder or cocoa powder (if using cocoa powder, you may want to add a pinch of stevia or sugar to reduce the bitterness) stevia or sweetener, optional to taste 1 to 2 tablespoons nutritional yeast for “cheezy” popcorn, optional to taste Place kernels in the brown paper bag and cook for 90 Seconds in the Microwave, or until popping sounds become less frequent. Transfer popcorn to a bowl, coat with oil or cooking spray, sprinkle on the toppings, stir to coat and serve. [/print_this] Or, melt Coconut Oil over the Warm Popcorn. Don’t Have or Like Coconut Oil? Then use another oil like flax, hemp, olive, grapeseed, or another that you like. You have to use some sort of oil, or even vegan “butter” (margarine, Earth Balance, etc) or the toppings won’t stick. Don’t Fear the Healthy Fats! Then Add/Sprinkle On: 1/2 to 1 scoop of Protein Powder (15-20 grams of protein) + 3 Tbsp Nooch (9 grams of protein) = Approximately 25-30 grams of protein right there! And the 2 tbsp of popcorn has about 5 grams of protein in it. As I mentioned, I am trying to be mindful and increase my protein slightly but nothing crazy, now that I’m Training for Fitness Competitions Other Popcorn Posts include: This Post This Other Post And Click Here for my Super Easy & Healthy Cooking Method And if you think the combo of chocolate + nooch is strange….it’s not! That’s what my Raw Vegan Peanut Butter Cups are! Dessert usually includes a few Nibbles of Raw Vegan Coconut Oil Chocolate Do you like popcorn? What’s your favorite way to eat it?