P.S. Everyone in my house loved them too, they’re almost gone! comment icon 72 more comments The discovery all started with my annual swimsuit purchase from Marshall’s. I don’t know what that says about me, because: Yet every year I seem to be able to find one suit I like, that fits, that I can afford, and today was no different. But somewhere between my parking spot and the highway, I realized that I didn’t have my wallet. Like, my brand-new-iPhone-credit-card-driver’s-license wallet.  After inspecting under every car in the parking lot, harassing the Marshall’s cashier, and being removed from behind the cashier counter for attempting to use the cashier-only phone, they finally came to their senses and let me use the cashier-only phone on the customer side of the counter. With customers checking out on either side of me, a Marshall’s cashier rolling her eyes at me, and a chocolate bunny display inches from my face, I called Bjork.  He used his fancy computer thingamajig to locate my phone, and it was bad news.  My iPhone was showing up on the map, but almost a mile away. I’m not sure if you’ve ever lost an iPhone, but I imagine it feels something like losing a wedding ring, which miraculously I have not done yet. Emotions run even higher when the iPhone is not just lost, but stolen, and driving further away from you every second that you spend on the phone at Marshall’s. Get in my car and chase the person down? Call the police? Curl up in a hole and die? Enter Johnnie from AT&T.  Johnnie, in his supercool iPhone guardian angel sort of way, called Bjork and said, “Hey, I found this phone in the parking lot at Marshall’s.  I have it at the AT&T store.  Come get it whenever.” There were a few tears of joy shed in front of the chocolate bunny display at Marshall’s.  Which is a small price to pay for such a happy ending. Oh, right.  Healthy cookie dough.  Let’s talk. Sometimes you just need to eat cookie dough straight up.  Washed down with more cookie dough, and then just one more bite of cookie dough.  This is for those times. This cookie dough is soft, peanutbuttery, brownsugary, vanillaey, and delicious in the most wonderful cookie doughy way, but {gasp} it’s healthy!  Healthy cookie dough? Yeah. Chickpeas are blended into the dough for the same texture without all the butter. Please oh please.  Don’t get me wrong.  I love butter.  But sometimes you need to eat a whole bowl of cookie dough in one sitting.  And for that reason, I give you this recipe. Now go. Bottom line: Johnnie from AT&T, you rock. 4.8 from 4 reviews The cookies won’t flatten out much during baking, so if you want a flatter cookie, you should press the tops down before baking. I think I’ll celebrate with 27 cookies.

Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Healthy Cookie Dough Recipe - 65Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Healthy Cookie Dough Recipe - 76Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Healthy Cookie Dough Recipe - 43Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Healthy Cookie Dough Recipe - 40