So, like, is it New Year’s yet? And can we still hang out and have parties all week? And where’s the Chili Cheese Black Bean Dip? But first, you know you’re a food blogger when your computer desktop looks like this: This is a shameful moment for me. Not the fact that my desktop is covered with variations of dip1, dip2, and dip3 files swimming in between veggie lasagna and pretzel bites. Cause I actually kind of like that, in a weird unorganized bloggy way. What’s shameful is that this dip rightfully belongs in the mini-crockpot. The real reason there is no mini-crockpot making an appearance in these photos is because I was too lazy to wash dishes. Again. Also, mini-crockpots have high potential for awkward food photos. You know the type. Awkward family photos, awkward pet photos, etc. etc. That reminds me: have you seen Sketchy Santas? You need to. Like, yesterday. But back to the Mini. There’s just something about a mini-appliance that plugs in and keeps your Chili Cheese Black Bean dip perfectly warm and melty that you can’t not love. It almost kinda makes you want to jump right in and stay a while. Orrrr for the rest of your life. PS. I used my regular slow cooker for this recipe which is a Crock-Pot that I’ve had for the last five years. SO MUCH FOOD has come out of that thing over the life of this blog which is pretty impressive for a $28 kitchen appliance. Here’s to a chili-cheesier 2012. 4.7 from 3 reviews Disclaimer: this post contains affiliate links.

Chili Cheese Black Bean Dip Recipe - 42Chili Cheese Black Bean Dip Recipe - 67Chili Cheese Black Bean Dip Recipe - 63Chili Cheese Black Bean Dip Recipe - 10Chili Cheese Black Bean Dip Recipe - 10