comment icon 32 more comments Let’s get messy today with a runny egg yolk over spicy chili and a sweet cornbread waffle. Yeah? I won’t even judge if you if you have eggs yolks running down your chin and chili drippings on your shirt. Can I be honest with you? I am a total sugar-lover, so savory waffles are extremely out of the box for me. But then I found out that I lovvvve these, a lot. Syrup and whipped cream, I’ll come back for you around midnight. This whole savory waffle shenanigan started with an overabundance of my favorite soup ever – posole. This posole is a super easy to make Mexican hominy-based stew with pork sausage in it. Because I love pork. But you can use regular chili, because it’s the chili time of year. Now let’s talk about golden fluffy cornbread waffles. Cornbread waffles happen when I realize that I don’t love multigrain waffles. I mean, I don’t want to be a waffle discriminator, but just leave out the flax and add the cornmeal and sugar. That’s how it goes for me and my waffle maker. One lesson I’ve learned in the last five years is that fried eggs on top of things is basically the same thing as happiness. Speaking of eggs, have I told you about how the eggs here in the Philippines are not refrigerated? Usually I refrigerate them before using them, like a true Type A American. Buuuut the other day I actually used an egg from straight off the shelf. Like, it was warm. Because off the shelf here means it’s been sitting in 1,000 degree heat all day. Nothing crazy happened, but it was weird and I don’t really want to talk about it anymore. I think I like refrigerated eggs better. Ok, one thing. Please keep the yolk soft. It’s pretty and it tastes dreamy. At this point in my savory waffle pilgrimage, I was about to shove the first drippy bite into my mouth. Load the fork, bring bite to mouth, glance out the window. And there he was, watching me feed my face a fried egg waffle. He was joined by about five kids ranging from toddler to late elementary, all watching me through the open front door. I’m pretty sure I’ve been promoted to the status of Strange Neighbor Who Takes Pictures of Food. But all in the name of savory cornbread waffles topped with chili and fried egg. A worthy cause, for sure. Someone is frying bacon. I can smell it. 5 from 4 reviews If it’s you, I love you.