comment icon 28 more comments Then the story took a turn. It became me trying to survive and keep everyone fed and alive.When you combine three teenagers with two seriously adorable/naughty dogs with one unbelievably active 9 year old… well, they deserve a round of applause. My parents. So how my mom manages to host a birthday lunch and serve such delicious home cooked food (while controlling the aforementioned scenario) is beyond me. But I like to try to be helpful. And I am usually really helpful at partaking in the home cooked food part. This chicken zucchini pasta recipe is one that my mom always makes for family gatherings, and it deserves a round of applause from those who make it and those who cook it. It’s a perfectly kinda fancy low maintenance meal that makes me happy happy happy every time I eat it. Mostly I’m just happy that I don’t have her job because I would probably die. She’s amazing. Aren’t mom’s the best? Thanks for doing all the work on this one, Mom! 4 from 3 reviews And my mom swears by Williams and Sonoma’s tomato sauce. I guess some things never change.