comment icon 208 more comments Secondly, you know that sometimes the most humble looking recipes are the most delicious. And when I say humble, I do mean scary. Remember the palak paneer I made way back when? And the beef biryani? Okay yeaaaah. But ain’t nobody got time for vanity here. This heavenly combination of chicken, paneer, cashews, golden raisins, and a creamy spicy sauce is gosh darn tasty, and I’ve known it for as long as I’ve been frequenting the in-cre-di-ble Indian restaurant in our neck of the woods, and better yet, now I know it FROM MY OWN KITCHEN. This is a big deal. Usually me and Indian food are best left to the restaurants. You know, like all the following of the directions and those long ingredient lists and unfamiliar whole spices and head in hands I give up. But not this time, friends. This is beautifully simple to make, and although it does have a long ingredient list, it’s nothing that’s going to send you around town to find a million an one things. I (almost) promise. I am a big fan of realistic recipes and this is totally, totally a realistic recipe. Can you tell I want you to try this so so bad? It’s also a spicy recipe. Today is big day for us: we are meeting with a team of constructionally gifted people to talk about tearing down walls in our house to make an awesomely fresh and open kitchen space. As in KITCHEN REMODEL. As in omg omg omg happy happy fun! I’m sure there will be no drama, ever, with anything, right? The last few months have been a bit of a roller coaster of decision making. We had talked about doing the remodel, then NOT doing the remodel, then looking for a studio instead of the remodel, then NOT looking for a studio, and now we’ve settled back on doing the kitchen remodel. This will be the space where I’ll work indefinitely, and we’ll be able to not only use the space for some video if I get brave enough to try to be, like, funny and kewl on camera, but we’ll just enjoy not having to feel like we’re locked in a closet while we’re cooking and being able to talk to peeps across the real live kitchen peninsula. I think when we were initially deciding whether or not to move forward with the remove, we both sort of forgot that we bought the house on the lower end so we could put a little money into the kitchen and make it a nice comfortable space. So now that we’ve kind of re-realized that, I feel really good about the decision. And I think Bjork does too. Right, Bjork? Do you even read my blog? Check yes or no. If you forgot what it currently looks like, you are in for a treat. You can check it out ovah heeyah. The gist of the remodel is this –

white cabinets white/grey marble-ish countertops cooktop and oven dishwasher insert prayer emoji skinny fridge (small house issues) farmhouse sink? is it too big, or too adorable that we can’t say no? can’t decide new hardwood floors that match the original floors of the house

I have a board on Pinterest dedicated to kitchen remodel inspiration if you want to check out the look that we’re going for. Which is one of those jokes about Pinterest where you pin everything you want your life to be and then realize that your kitchen is a shoebox and you can barely fit YOURSELF in the kitchen, much less your dream pantry space complete with organized jars of food and corresponding matching labels. What? If you have anything awesome to say about kitchen remodeling 101 for dummies, you can leave it in the comments below. We are sort of clueless about this home ownership thing and you all are a wealth of knowledge. Okay, though, Chicken Shahi Korma. It’s heaven-sent. The firm paneer, the crunchy cashews, the plump raisins, the spicy chicken, the creamy sauce which I could eat in a bowl all by itself… I am getting lightheaded typing that all out. It’s what my dreams are made of. 4.8 from 34 reviews

Chicken Shahi Korma Recipe - 77Chicken Shahi Korma Recipe - 3Chicken Shahi Korma Recipe - 35Chicken Shahi Korma Recipe - 78Chicken Shahi Korma Recipe - 54