Is. So. Good. Oh-this-is-so-good. HEY! {ahem} Starting with a chant today is totally necessary because this is a recipe so yummy that it is going to change the course of my 2013/2014 school year dinners, whiiiich is a pretty big deal. Within a half of a bite, it had earned a place in The Weeknight Regulars thanks to the phenom flavors, broad family friendly appeal, and ease of preparation. I am such a sucker for ease of prep. <— See that? I don’t even like to say the full word preparation. Check the title right now if you want to know how many ingredients it takes to make one batch of Chicken Pizzaiola. Oh, that’s right. I said six. As in onetwothreefourfivesix and poof: dinner is done. This recipe comes from an absolute gem of a cookbook: The 6 Ingredient Solution by the one and only America’s Test Kitchen. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: ATK writes great recipes. They just always always always work. Always. So think about how awesome that’s going to be when all of these beautiful recipes that only require six ingredients just work. Like, they taste amazing, save you a little time and money, and keep the family happy. That’s going to be pretty sweet: understatement of the year. So where can you get one of these cookbooks?
You Can Buy It!
Oh, I’m excited for you already. Can I do a quick rundown of the recipe for you? There are basically two steps to Chicken Pizzaiola. One: bake the chicken. Two: boil the noodles. See? Easy and perfect. When I made this at 4pm on a Friday afternoon like a true food blogger, I may or may not have found myself over the sink holding a plate of noodles doing a post-photo-shoot nose dive into the spaghetti noodles and cheesy pepperoni chicken. Even knowing that I was going to have Chipotle for dinner with friends in about an hour could not stop my ravenous self from devouring this perfectly pizza-like meal. Right away when Bjork walked in after work, he commented on how good it smelled and asked what it was. I told him in my most fancy-lady voice: Chicken Pizzaiola. Because how can you not say that in a fancy voice? Try it. And then I told him no, he probably shouldn’t try it right now because we were having Chipotle for dinner, remember? And no, I hadn’t had any either. Psh. And no, those weren’t red spaghetti sauce stains all over my face. Nooo way. The beauty of this recipe (besides the cheese, pep, spaghetti, chicken, and general amazingness) is that the whole thing can be made while on the phone with your mom getting advice about things like home-buying. All it really takes to make the recipe come together is an absent minded stir here, and peek in the oven there, and a Sorry I Gotta Go Love You Mom when the chicken comes out of the oven. If you want to have a delicious dinner that your whole family loves, and you want it 5 minutes ago without a trip to the store, and bonus if it includes tomato saucy noodles and chicken that reminds you of pizza, you want Chicken Pizzaiola. Please make this so that you can love it. And so we can be dinner twins. Weeee! 5 from 4 reviews