I caught up on: Washing the sheets on our bed and Skylar’s bed

I washed the rugs in my kitchen and bathroom.  They were in major need.  From crumbs, flour, and coconut flakes to hair and dust bunnies, I’m back in business.  It only takes about two and a half hours for rugs to dry in the dryer.  No biggie. I also went to a computer store where I thought I was going to be able to have the computer wizard there pop the new RAM chips I had ordered from Crucial into my Macbook since it’s been beach ballin’ and pinwheeling like crazy.

Yes, my Mac has been majorly misbehaving. Source

But when I got to the store, the tech told me I ordered the wrong kind of memory.  Argh!  He did say that almost no one gets it right. The silver lining is that he had what I needed in stock and popped it in.  I’ll let you know if the additional RAM solves some of the Circle of Doom pinwheeling problem. And after that I went on a much needed Target run.  I try to limit myself to once every 4 to 6 weeks for Target trips because otherwise things can get a little out of hand.  Or a lot out of hand, in a hurry. I bought some clothes for Skylar

I really wish they had these velour hoodie sets in my size.  Soft, elastic waist, fuzzy, and sparkly.  Some girls have all the luck.

This was my bag of luck Deoderant, body wash, toothpaste for both Skylar and I, Carmex, razor blades, Palmer’s Cocoa Butter lotion, Olay Toner, Maybelline Great Lash.  Nothing thrilling but necessary.  Most of those items are on my Drugstore Top 10 List.  Things under $5 bucks that I love. Oh and don’t forget about the 8 rolls of paper towels, toilet paper, cleaning products, laundry detergent, and Q-tips. I did score 1.5 pounds of grapes for a buck though.  On sale + a coupon.  That was exciting. It’s the Simple Things I also had to hit the post office, return phone calls and emails, and did much of it while practicing counting to 30 and singing the ABC’s. The best part of my catch up day was a Samoas Bar


  1. When was your last catch up day?  What did you accomplish?
  2. What are the usual things you toss into your Target (or similar) bag?  Thanks for the Asian Foods Giveaway Entries, too

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