comment icon 103 more comments But really, the salmon. Chipotle seems to always be on the brain these days, which lead me to morph my salmon dinner into a Caribbean Burrito Bol, complete with mango and avocado salsa. Ding-Ding-Ding! Truthfully, making salmon usually stresses me out. It always gets too burnt on the outside but not cooked on the inside. Maybe I should turn the heat down, or maybe I should start buying skinnier salmon filets, or maybe I should make it more than twice a year, or maybe I should stop playing Draw Something on my phone and start watching the skillet. Speaking of normal things that shouldn’t be stressful, how about that Monday-morning-pre-work-meeting-mocha? Drive through lines are sweat-inducing and bad for the heart when you’re running late and the whole city of St. Paul would also like a drive-through mocha. But the salmon. The beauty of this salmon (other than the deliciously spiced flavor and lightly crispy texture) is that there is no need to be stressed out. You’re going to end up pulling the skin off at the end and stir it all up, which makes the cooking process (for a twit like me) wayyy less intimidating. Once you’ve got your salmon all prettied up, you’re going to plop it on a bed of rice and beans and top it with fresh mango and avocado salsa. Why? Because it’s life changingly yummy, and you deserve it. And because Cadbury eggs for dessert are good. If you’re looking for more salmon recipes like this, I’d suggest checking out these BBQ Salmon Bowls with Mango Avocado Salsa that are deliciously similar to this bowl! I would like to live on a bed of rice and beans. Is that so much to ask? 4.8 from 25 reviews

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