I will go with today’s baking project that I’ll be blogging about soon or my last most successful dessert, the No Bake Nutella & Peanut Butter Graham Bars with Chocolate Frosting Not a fun chore but one that must be done and I only have one set of sheets that fit my bed right now.  Gasp, I know. So what goes off, must go back on a few hours later. Then it was to the grocery store.  I picked up another pineapple.

I am in love with pineapple lately! And I love the super cheap prices on it right now too.  Whole pineapples for basically $2 bucks. And please, clean your own rather than buying pre-cut.  It’s easy! If you’ve never cleaned your own pineapple, I have a pineapple-cleaning tutorial.  Air + cut surfaces + bacteria = just clean your own. And I also picked up a can of sweetened condensed milk.

And made quite a mess in my kitchen.

I took inventory of all the half used packages of chocolate chips, white chocolate chips, Heath Bar bits, and other items, and came up with a winner. To be blogged about soon. If you really want something with chocolate chips + butterscotch chips now, make Butterscotch Rice Krispy Treats with Vegan Chocolate Frosting Super easy and as I was just telling Katie, I freeze my RKT’s after they are sliced and take out one or two bars at a time from the freezer, let them thaw for 15 minutes, and dive in.  No adverse taste effects from freezing them. Skylar licked the spatula from today’s baking project with the sweetened condensed milk on it and immediately called it sweet leche. I guess both her Spanish and her tastebuds are right on track. Literally drooling over it. While also sticking out her tongue and being a total goofball. I was drooling over the beautiful day.

And the flowers.

I’ve had a lot going on since returning home from our Aruba vacation.  Life has been such a whirlwind between work, family, and juggling all the balls.  And trying to stay sort of sane in the process. So it was nice to go for a great run outside.  Admire the flowers and clear my head for a half hour.

And I came in for 20 minutes of yoga at home, i.e. garage yoga. Which felt great!  I always get much better yoga practices in when the outdoor temperature is warmer.  It’s still not “hot” here by any stretch.  About 75F and sunny.  I’ll take it! From my last post, Manly Food & Girly Food, it was fun to read about how you classify food, as manly or girly, or if you think there is such a thing as “manly” or “girly” food.   Most of you conceded that most desserts seem to be more “girly food” and that women seem to just gravitate towards desserts more so than men, in general.  But of course, there are always exceptions. Exceptions like Scott absolutely loving this dessert. No-Bake Vegan Chocolate Coconut Snowballs   1.  Best thing you’ve eaten or done so far this weekend? Spending time with Skylar, baking, and enjoying the weather are my highlights so far. And before that, it was the No Bake Nutella & Peanut Butter Graham Bars with Chocolate Frosting

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