comment icon 54 more comments And I give you now – wheat berries! Aren’t they cutest little grains you’ve ever seen? There’s a health foods store here in Cebu that has more Bob’s Red Mill products than I’ve ever seen in any one place, at one time, anywhere, ever, and so I’m making my way through the grains one bag at a time. Side note – I feel compelled to let you know ahead of time that I take issue with just one teensy little grain. Quinoa. And now all you quinoa lovers are crying and throwing your big bowls of quinoa at the computer screen because you obviously eat quinoa while you read blogs. Obviously. I’m sorry, guys, I just never really jumped on that train. Quinoa doesn’t taste very good to me – something about the texture, maybe? or it’s likely that I just don’t know how to make it correctly? – and therefore it won’t be a part of my ancient grains sampling tour. End disclaimer. But wheat berries. The texture is kind of chewy, kind of ricey almost, in a more dense way, and a little nutty – and just like quinoa for people who actually like quinoa (weird), wheat berries are extremely versatile. Meaning fewer trips to the grocery store. Meaning less sweat on my face. Meaning a more happy me. So I had some leftover cooked wheat berries in the fridge and I made breakfast with ’em. And really, yummmeeeee. A little sweet, a little crunchy, a little chewy, and a little nutty. Get the brown sugar and cinnamon going on up in there and this is like fall in a bowl for people who live in hot climates and never want to turn on an oven again. Or for people who need fast and easy breakfasts because they have chronic lateness. Or for people who like to feel like they’re eating dessert all the time. And yes I do fit into all three of those categories. I should also mention here that I did not soak my wheat berries overnight. Partly because I’m lazy and partly because Kath told me I didn’t need to, and I like Kath so I didn’t soak them. It worked just fine. Let’s recap. This is extremely easy. This is super healthy. This is totally delicious. I think this is about to become my new go-to. Thank you wheat berries. Did we really need a full recipe for that? Sometimes I’m a little slow on these realizations. 4.3 from 7 reviews If you want to make this ahead of time, add a tiny bit of lemon juice or salt water to the apples to keep them from browning. Also, to avoid watery-ness after sitting in the fridge, use a thicker yogurt like Greek yogurt. Happy healthy wheat berrying, friends!