comment icon 45 more comments Truth: Bjork gets bugged out by green smoothies. I pretend that he’s immature and usually give a mini-lecture about the health benefits of green smoothies, which usually ends with him eating a whole box of Marshmallow Mateys in one sitting. 1) Why can’t healthy green smoothies be rainbow colored, or sparkly, or covered with candy? 2) Pass me the Mateys. BEST Truth: Green smoothies don’t have to be sewage-green! Wait, that makes me sound like an idiot, but it’s actually genius. Because when you put berries in the blender with your green smoothie, it turns blue and purple and pretty, and it covers up the greenness. It’s a berry green smoothie. Is there really anything better than a weekend spent in the sun with friends and family stuffing my face with Tijuanna Hot Dogs and Smores Bars? No. There’s not. That’s why the runner up for the best thing ever award is drinking something desserty and cute to take away that super cute morning-after-salty-foods look. Something that does not look like garbage in a glass. #win Don’t fear the green! 5 from 4 reviews