comment icon 57 more comments I have a few exciting things to share with you today, because it’s Friday and things should be exciting on Friday.
A re-organized recipes page and a re-vamped resources for food bloggers page!An amazing video from my friends Alex and Sonja about how to make homemade pizza dough. Someday when I get a stand mixer, or become more sophisticated, or fall out of love with Domino’s cheese pizza and breadsticks, I will make this homemade pizza dough and it will be awe-some.
Exciting tidbit number 3 is that after about three weeks of Instagramming, I’ve decided to quit my job and become a professional Instagrammer. Bjork, don’t worry about it.I went on a field trip this week, and let’s just say eating a bag lunch on the floor at the museum was not the highlight of my week (sorry, kiddos). And I should probably delete that because it doesn’t fit with my list, but I’m going to press enter instead. Readysetgo.
Exciting = cake. I made a wonderfully moist, sweet, perfectly dense banana cake. It was semi-healthy. It was topped with at least 5 inches of vegan peanut butter frosting. As it should be.It was inspired by Sketch-free Vegan Eating. Thank you, ladies, for being sketch-free.Vegan frosting tastes good straight from the bowl. And so does regular frosting.
Got anything exciting to share this Friday? 5 from 3 reviews And if you could just leave your exciting comments by 6:30 pm or so? That’s when I’m going to bed tonight. Tee.Jee.Eye.Ef!