comment icon 97 more comments Look look look look look. 👆🏽 I’m gonna just tell you: That Tastes Really Good. It’s extra exciting to be sharing today’s arugula salad with you because

You are down for the creative food combos that I dream up.You’re also lovers of whole, healthy food that TASTES SRSLY AWESOME (me too).We all like things that are generally weeknight-easy to make.

And this salad is all of that. Yaaas. We’re starting with those bursty California grapes and tossing them with a big bowl of farro, cashews, arugula, pickled red onions (!), and basil FROM MY GARDEN THANK YOU VERY MUCH, but oh no – the fun won’t stop there. We are capping off this epic combo by drizzling a black pepper vinaigrette over the whole thing and calling it a Very Delicious Day. And the star of this lush arugula salad… it’s obvi. The GRAPES! 🍇👈🏼 Like, hey/quick reminder/note to self – grapes really DO rock. They are naturally sweet, deliciously healthy, and not only do they make the perfect What Do I Eat While Watching TV Snack — grapes are a must in all my salads from here on out. Let’s talk about the origins of this party on a plate. Once upon a time, I went to New Orleans. I ate a lot of things, but one thing really latched onto my food brain: Black Pepper Vinaigrette. It doesn’t even make sense. In the land of beignets and jambalaya and southern fried chicken, I find (and become addicted to) a dressing. On a salad.  Just kick me off this blog already. To my credit, the salad was not really a REAL salad – it had peaches and nuts and don’t get weirded out but also really delicious pieces of raw fish called cobia 😬👌🏽 and then, as mentioned, a luscious black pepper vinaigrette. I came home to Minnesota, where I don’t eat raw fish salads or other brave things, like, ever, and said to myself: you must must must find a way to get that very basic, very wonderful Black Pepper Vinaigrette into your life. On an arugula salad with grapes and cashews and pickled red onions and basil. I mean, look at us. Gosh, we grow up so fast. As I sort of obsessively mentioned already, the grapes in this salad were ON POINT. I have been on the hunt for California grapes ever since I learned that 99% of our grapes grown here in the US are grown in California – so when I found the ones that said “Grown in the USA” (they are now in season and get ready for 6 more months of this, baby) I knew they were the California gems I was looking for. And those juicy little bursts of joy were more than delicious. I couldn’t even stop myself. If half of them actually made it into this arugula salad before getting nabbed by my snacking mouth, I would be doing pretty well with life. TO SALAD BLISSDOM –» Thank you to California Grapes for sponsoring this delicious arugula salad which I will now go devour for the 800th time mmmk bye. 4.9 from 13 reviews For the nutrition I only counted half the dressing amount for 6 servings. If making ahead, toss everything except the dressing, arugula, and basil. Those should be added right before serving.

Arugula Salad with Grapes and Black Pepper Vinaigrette Recipe - 21Arugula Salad with Grapes and Black Pepper Vinaigrette Recipe - 51Arugula Salad with Grapes and Black Pepper Vinaigrette Recipe - 94Arugula Salad with Grapes and Black Pepper Vinaigrette Recipe - 74Arugula Salad with Grapes and Black Pepper Vinaigrette Recipe - 74