It might be hard to tell with the whole windblown should-have-brought-a-jacket look, but here we are! In Washington! And this is that moment during editing of the post when you realize that your “style” is to wear the same exact color/type of clothing, adjusting only the sleeve length and material depending on location and season. Check out our profile picture. If you can get past our fashionista ways, that’s a picture of us when we went to Washington this weekend to learn about the story and otherworldly deliciousness of the golden Opal apple. Can you say Opal apple superfan? points to self I can’t even begin to write about all that this weekend meant to me in one single post. The story behind the Opal apple inspired me right down to my tippy toes and gave me lots to think about on just about every food and regular life level. We’d get back to the hotel each night and I’d be ready to talktalktalk for hours to process what we’d been learning about. Bjork would be ready to process by shutting off the world and sleeping. The classic extrovert/introvert marital dilemma. Really though, if you have a minute to read about the how and why of this special piece of fruit, I’d really encourage you to check out the website. Or call me and we’ll talk for hours. If you don’t have a minute and you want the bottom line and FAST: think life-changing youth programs and rich community development with an emphasis on children. In addition to growing beautiful produce, this family-run orchard is all about serving people. Now, on to apple business. The Opal apple is Oh wait, what’s that? This apple seriously does not turn brown. Cut it up, take a bite, cut a wedge out, and put it in your fridge (or not) for a few days and you’ll still have this pristine white color. I don’t know about you but resuming snacking on my half eaten non-brown apple an hour or five after starting sounds like the highlight of my month. In addition to the best apple flavor, juiciness, and texture, the everlasting pure color is the special sauce of the Opal apple. Which is why I hoard them. One last note: Opal apples are not in season quite yet – sad face – but look for them at select grocery stores starting in December. For us peeps in Minneapolis, I hear that Lunds and Byerly’s are the places to get them. And it’s 150% likely that I’ll let you know when I see them on the shelves because I have some recipe ideas burning a hole in my brain. In an attempt to save myself hours of reflective writing about, um, apples, and you from getting a thumb injury from scrolling for miles down this post, I’m going to let you explore the rest on your own. I hope you sort of experience Opal apples through this massive montage of pictures, and I’ll see you on the other side. Mwah. (Pst. Opals 4 life.)