I took this quick bump selfie in the doctor’s office yesterday literally 15 minutes before our lives came crashing in on us. I went in for a check-up, thinking I’d be home in an hour, and ended up getting admitted on the spot for having a 4cm dilation on my cervix with my water bag threatening to break through at just 23 weeks. Bjork and I are here in the high risk neonatal unit and we will stay here with me being on strict bedrest until baby arrives, which is not supposed to be till the end of April, but with these new developments, could happen anytime. We had already chosen this hospital to deliver at, knowing it would be a great place to be in case “anything went wrong” – but you just say that stuff, right? It’s not actually supposed to happen to you. Even though we are in the best possible place for preemies, as of 12am this morning, our tiny guy is still only 23w2d old, and the baseline for viability is 25 weeks. In other words: if I deliver within the next few days, his chances of surviving at all, much less without major lifetime health complications, are extremely low. We are aware of the percentages and hard possibilities and grieving them. We are also SO HOPEFUL for our son’s life and boldly and confidently praying for just a little more miracle time in that belly. Every single hour feels like it makes a difference for his survival at this point. A little more lung development, a little more time for his eyes, his skin… all of it has suddenly become so critically tied to the clock. We are asking for prayers and support especially in the next critical 24-48 hours – that everything with my body would stay calm and he’d stay tucked in right here with his mommy. 💙 just you and me, right here, as long as it takes, BB. This is not how we want to be experiencing pregnancy and birth and newborn life, and it’s jarring and hard. We’re letting go of what now seems like such a dream for a “normal” pregnancy and a “normal” baby and embracing what’s happening right here in front of us. But forward is the only way. 💪🏼 So one day, one hour, one minute at a time. We love you baby boy! Hang in there peanut.