A little confusing? Basically in 6 words, describe: Happiness (6 words on the secrets to life and happiness such as “Break some rules. Enjoy the euphoria.”) Love (6 words on love & heartbreak such as “caveat emptor. read the label honey.”) I found that site based on Angela’s post about 6 word love stories. So let’s play along, here’s some of my 6 word phrases about happiness and life: Caramel machiattos on weekend mornings rock. Life is what you make it. Start living, stop whining, be proactive. Sleep when you’re dead, live now. (Even if Item #4 goes out the window) Enjoy the beach.  Wrinkles?  Who Cares. Working out is fun, don’t overtrain. Take time to enjoy chocolate treats. Scottish, Irish, Steelcut.  All just food. Not everyday is easy or fun. Some days suck.  Some days don’t. Life is a roller coaster.  Always. Being grateful puts life in perspective. Skylar makes me happy.  Forever, always.

Life is bigger than organic status. Raw? Organic? Nice but just details. Leftovers make life easier. Try them.

Happiness is a state of mind.  Usually. Who cares if you use microwaves?

Here’s of few of my 6 words about love and heartbreak: If you seek ordinary, look elsewhere. Behind a great man is his wife. Behind a great wife is housework. You are a bastard. Go away. I love you.  I need you. I don’t need losers. I rock. Oreo Balls never made me cry. Tell your other girlfriend your problems. Give love a chance.  Might blossom! Unconventional, passionate, daring, wild, sensitive, complicated. Better to love and lose than not. Love is hard, beautiful, crazy, complex. Loving Chocolate and Peanut Butter, always. Growing old together can be beautiful. Growing old alone can be beautiful. Love is a journey, try it. He’s not worth your tears.  Ever. Love is worth fighting for.  Always. Not always easy, always worth effort. Love comes in many sizes. Shapes. From my last recipe post about the Ketchup & Mustard Lover’s Protein & Veggie Mash, thanks for letting me know if you’re a condiment lover, and if so, which ones.   Lots of us seem to enjoy a little food with our condiments.

After all those deep 6 word descriptions, it’s time to rest my brain and turn the floor over to you. Questions:

  1. Best thing you’ve ate or done so far this weekend? I had a super productive errand running day and found some cute things while out.  Stay tuned. Hint: They have to do with Item #4 on my Wish List
  2. Do you have Monday off for President’s Day? No, darn.  Neither from my unpaid work as chef, mother, wife, butt-wiper, dish-do’er, nor from my paid work.
  3. 6 Words.  You’re up.  Rattle off 6 words to describe life, happiness, love, heartbreak, loss, whatever you’re feeling inspired to put out there. If you have more than 6 words and are feeling wordy, repeat. Can’t wait to read your deep thoughts!  In 6 words.  Almost like Haiku, which I loved creating in 5th grade. P.S. If you’re just catching up on posts from the weekend, here were mine since Friday.

Ketchup & Mustard Lover’s Protein & Veggie Mash Trader Joe’s Finds Rainy Day Projects Challenge: Zodiac Sign & Does It Fit Cookbook & Book Reviews Running Errands & Bringing Snacks 6 Words - 326 Words - 676 Words - 276 Words - 666 Words - 61