comment icon 112 more comments Thing #1: WE GOT A STUDIO. We, Bjork and Lindsay and Sage, have officially put down a deposit on a beautiful, huge, 12-window, dog-friendly brick and timber studio in Minneapolis. It will be an office, it will be a meeting space, it will be a workshop location, and if my wildest dreams come true, it will be a test and photography kitchen. breathe breathe breathe breathe breathe!!! I won’t go into too much detail in this post because some things are best saved for MOOOORE POSTS in THREE WEEKS when we actually GET THE KEYS! 😱🎉🙌‼️ Meaning I will probably now go on to write 800 paragraphs about the space. You know how this works. Finding a studio has been a goal we’ve had for a while now. But wows, finding just the right space was super tricky. It had to feel right, the location had to be good… and the windows. There had to be good windows. For us, this has been a multiple-year-long process and there have been lots of near-misses, or actual misses? The ones where you think you found the perfect place and then between the time you literally walked up the stairs to see the space and walked straight down the stairs to sign the lease, someone else had gotten there first? Yeah, whatever you call those moments, we’ve had those. Multiple. I know, right? The pain. The struggle. Feel so sorry for us. This space, soon-to-be OUR space, is a dream and half come true. Oh, the possibilities. With all the ideas and potential, my mind is in a perpetual state of happy-crazy.


The night before we signed the lease I couldn’t even sleep. I laid in bed and just scribbled pages of notes like a madbloggerwoman- how we could use it, what style we will choose to decorate, who we might want to collaborate with, when we’ll do our next workshops – and absolutely did not do what I was supposed to be doing which was sleeping and relaxing my brain like a healthy Normal. Normals, I know you have no idea what this is like – and I know because I am married to a Normal who could fall asleep in about two seconds flat no matter the stress, excitement, or emotional state of being. Not infuriating at all. But my neurotic-type friends – you know. You can more than identify with the notebook in bed with mind racing situation, right? I see you. UNITE. Thing #2: This soup. Like, whoa. This soup. YOU NEED TO MAKE IT. It’s like Creamy Cauliflower Sauce in soup form. But with more cheese. And a drizzle of truffle oil just to be fansay. And cubes of bread lightly fried in olive oil and a pop of fresh green better known as kale almond pesto. I mean, seriously. The flavor. The texture. It’s like eating a hug. Creamy, luscious, cheesy cauliflower soup with a few handfuls of melty cheese and that earthy (would you call it earthy?) truffle flavor. And you know what? I know that the semi-fried olive oil crouton pieces are not, like, suuuuper healthy, but that’s okay because you don’t have to make them every time. Save those for when you make the soup on a special occasion, say, TONIGHT, and bask in their lovely golden brown crunchy-chewy texture and warmth with that pure, light olive oil flavor, knowing that you will top your soup with healthier dry croutons next time. Maybe. Seriously, bread lightly fried in olive oil – divine. Friends, do you have a food processor for the pesto? YOU NEED ONE. I love mine so much that I wrote a full post showing off 12 magical ways that I use my food processor. Must must must. Go now. May I also recommend this soup + a cozy grilled cheese sandwich on a blustery fall/winter day? I mean, it is just THE RIGHT THING TO DO. Super Nifty Tools and Things:

Mandoline – $15 | 4.4 stars out of 300 reviews Immersion Blender – $33 | 4.6 stars out of 2,800 reviews Truffle Oil – $23 | 4.9 stars out of 8 reviews

To make this vegetarian, skip the bacon grease. To make this gluten free, make sure you’re using a gluten free bread for the croutons. 4.6 from 11 reviews

3 tablespoons unsalted butter 1 yellow onion, thinly sliced 6 cups chicken or vegetable broth 1 large head of cauliflower (cut into florets – about 6 cups) 3/4 cup half and half

Kale Pesto:

1 1/2 – 2 cups packed kale leaves (stems removed) 1/2 cup olive oil 1/2 cup pine nuts (sometimes I also use almonds) 1 clove garlic 1/2 teaspoon salt (more to taste) juice of 1 lemon 1/4 cup grated parmesan cheese (optional)

For topping:

1 tablespoon truffle oil (optional, but seriously SO GOOD) 4 slices of bread for croutons (see notes)

One More Thing!

This recipe is part of our collection of best healthy soups. Check it out!

5 Ingredient Creamy Cauliflower Soup with Kale Pesto Recipe - 15 Ingredient Creamy Cauliflower Soup with Kale Pesto Recipe - 305 Ingredient Creamy Cauliflower Soup with Kale Pesto Recipe - 35 Ingredient Creamy Cauliflower Soup with Kale Pesto Recipe - 475 Ingredient Creamy Cauliflower Soup with Kale Pesto Recipe - 425 Ingredient Creamy Cauliflower Soup with Kale Pesto Recipe - 5