I would prefer the larger 32-ounce size, since I like a little coffee with my creamer, but I was simply thrilled to see it available for sale at all, because I thought it had been discontinued for the season. I guess not according to the package label: NEW- Now Enjoy It All Year! Yes, I think I will. And did.

I had a delicious cup of pepperminty coffee, which was perfect on a Saturday morning.

Then I went on a nice run…

And came home and took a shower and enjoyed the vanilla-meets-passion flower new Suave bodywash I also found. If you like vanilla scents that are more “clean” than heavy, try this Suave. Vanilla meets floral and fruity fresh without being too much. I started wearing men’s deodorant, so I am not into things that are too floral lately, but am digging this bodywash.

My other favorite $1.99 purchase lately is Peanut Butter M&M’s. I love peanut M&Ms but the peanut butter are every bit as good, and possibly better than, the classic peanut variety.

I used them in Deep Dish Chocolate Chip Cookies with PB Cups & PB M&M’s

The winners of the Marshmallow Madness Cookbook Giveaway are: Rachel @ The Avid Appetite Shawn @ I Wash…You Dry Brooke What was the last thing you bought for 1.99 that you’ve really enjoyed? Or anything under $5 bucks that you love? The $1.99 Coffee-Mate and the $1.99 Suave were definitely the best uses of 1.99 all week. All year, actually. Under $5 bucks… This cookie scoop A couple new iTunes songs Maybelline Great Lash- Big Mascara These dishes

What has been the best part of your weekend so far? Thanks for the entries on the Personalized Pens Giveaway

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